Monday, October 20, 2008

WII Fitness (9/16)

I found the article regarding the WWI Fitness Gyms very intriging. I think that investing into a WII for entertainment and using it primarily for the fitness aspects is actually a really cool idea. I'm actually considering purchasing one as it would certainly make it easier to exercise and wow...make exercising way! I think it would definately help to modivate induviduals to start and since that is the hardest part of exercising and to branch out with and without the assistance of the WII after getting started.

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Hey Mickey,

Last night, I was teaching my oldest how to cook spaghetti. As the water boiled, we jumped on the wii and played a game -for maybe 8-10 minutes. But that was 8-10 minutes of activity that we wouldn't have done otherwise and it was the gaming aspect that drew us in. Kind of cool when you think about it.
